Seorang pencari suaka asal Suriah membunuh seorang remaja dan melukai lima orang lainnya dalam serangan menggunakan pisau di ...
Menteri Dalam Negeri Austria, Gerhard Karner menyatakan bahwa pelaku, seorang pencari suaka asal Suriah berusia 23 tahun. - ...
Operator tur optimistis bahwa wisatawan akan kembali mengunjungi situs bersejarah seperti Palmyra dan Damaskus. - Setelah lebih dari satu dekade terperosok dalam perang saudara, Suriah kini mulai membuka diri kembali bagi ...
They are the missing, torn from their families a decade ago by ISIS militants. Many are likely dead. Some may have been sold into sexual slavery. Others have been trapped in detention camps.
One person was killed and five others wounded in stabbings in the center of the town of Villach. A man from Syria was arrested at the scene. By Jin Yu Young and Christopher F. Schuetze Christopher ...
Wakil perdana menteri Turki saat itu, Numan Kurtulmus, mengonfirmasi bahwa serangan itu dilakukan dengan bom mobil, tetapi menambahkan bahwa pelakunya belum teridentifikasi.
GLASGOW – Pengendali Celtic, Brendan Rodgers masih berbangga dengan semangat juang tinggi pasukannya selepas tewas tipis 1-2 kepada Bayern Munich pada aksi playoff pertama Liga Juara-Juara Eropah (UCL ...
AS jatuhkan sanksi ke Jaksa ICC, Karim Khan, atas investigasi dugaan kejahatan perang Israel di Gaza. Trump sebut ICC ancam ...
Sir David was stabbed to death by Islamic State (ISIS) supporter Ali Harbi Ali during a constituency surgery at a church hall in Leigh-on-Sea in October 2021. The killer, who was given a whole ...
Police released a mugshot of a woman convicted of terrorism offences wearing a niqab – after she complained an earlier custody image showed her without a head covering. Jurors heard Farishta ...
This paper provides the first systematic analysis of the link between economic, political, and social conditions and the global phenomenon of ISIS foreign fighters. We find that poor economic ...