When the United States Mint was created in 1792, one of the first coins it made was the one-cent coin. The image on the first ...
Coin values fluctuate, but it's worth checking your coin jars for this rare penny. Who knows? You could be a millionaire.
"As an avid collector of coins, the coin collecting community is excited as the discontinuation of the penny is a historic event and it brings a renewed interest in rare and valuable editions ...
When President Donald Trump announced his intention to eliminate the penny Sunday, he cited the rising cost of producing the coin. Data from the U.S. Treasury shows it’s not the only coin that c ...
Per the latest U.S. Mint report, it costs less than six cents to make a dime ($0.0576). To make a quarter, it cost about 15 cents ($0.1468), and nearly 34 cents for a half-dollar ($0.3397).