The 'Slovakia' and 'For the People' parties urge Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) to immediately release contracts related to 2024 police image and recruitment campaigns, worth a total ...
Tlačová konferencia splnomocnenkyne vlády SR pre rozvoj občianskej spoločnosti Simony Zacharovej, štátneho tajomníka Ministerstva pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka SR Jozefa Smatanu, štátnej tajomníč ...
The town of Zvolen in Banska Bystrica region on Friday commemorated the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the town by the Soviet and Romanian armies, with mayor Vladimir Manka paying tribute to ...
Banská Bystrica 14. marca (TASR) - Mesto Banská Bystrica v súčasnosti podniká ďalšie kroky v súvislosti so zanedbaným stavom plážového kúpaliska, ktoré je mestským majetkom. Ešte vlani v septembri o ň ...
Bratislava, March 14 (TASR) - The Geodesy, Cartography, and Cadastre Office (UGKK) is warning the public about a false letter that is circulating at the moment and which on behalf of the office states ...
Velke Kapusany, March 14 (TASR) - Police conducted anti-drug crackdown at the P.O. Hviezdoslav elementary school in the town of Velke Kapusany on Thursday (March 13), searching classrooms and student ...
Bratislava, March 14 (TASR) - Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) was hiding the ownership of the house in Croatia for more than six years, even in the period before I was chairing any House com ...
Pozsony, március 14. (TASR) - Robert Kaliňák (Smer-SD) védelmi miniszter azért nem tüntette fel a vagyonbevallásában felesége horvátországi házát, mert a magánéletét és a családját akarta védeni. A kö ...
The Interior Ministry has once again declared that it's addressing the issue of the booking system of the Aliens Police, spokesman for the ministry Matej Neumann said in response to an appeal by the ...
The Slovak Towns and Village Association (ZMOS) and Slovak Self-Governing Regions (SK8) understand the needs of social service workers, but they'll be able to sign a collective agreement with them ...
Ottawa 14. marca (TASR) - Bývalý guvernér centrálnej banky a nový líder kanadskej Liberálnej strany Mark Carney sa v piatok po zložení prísahy stal 24. premiérom Kanady. Na tomto poste po viac ako dev ...
Pozsony, március 14. (TASR) - A toborzókampány az egyik szükséges megoldás új rendőrök felvételére és a közbiztonság növelésére. A belügyminisztérium előre tájékoztatta a nyilvánosságot a kampány megi ...