The proposed ordinance would hold both landlords and occupants accountable for nuisance violations at a property.
Gerald Lemanski became concerned when he found a bag on the doorstep of his Tempe home in July 2024. It led to his arrest.
Sam's Club has already begun hiring for its new Tempe Marketplace store and has a promotional discount on memberships.
Microchip filed a notice with the state of Arizona on March 3 announcing intent to lay off 330 people from the Tempe facility ...
"The world owes you nothing but an opportunity" was a favorite saying of Geneva Epps Mosley, her daughter Evelyn Plantillas said.
TEMPE, AZ (AZFamily) — Multiple crews are working to rescue an injured worker at a construction site in Tempe Tuesday ...
A construction worker in Tempe on Tuesday afternoon was hit by a wall and needed to be rescued. The incident happened near ...
The Diablo College Tennis Invitational is quickly becoming a premier collegiate tournament, showcasing high-level tennis ...
Officials said the worker was injured and needed to be extricated but did not explain from where or what condition the worker was in.
The city of Tempe announced Wednesday it has joined the global organization Strong Cities Network in its fight against hate, ...
Jalen Woods was visiting Arizona in August of 2024 when he was arrested while driving a rental vehicle on Mill Avenue, ...