Sri Lanka’s state university system, with its enviable human resource base, is on this job. But due to structural problems such as funding for ongoing projects, the availability has been short of the ...
Lawyers Collective on the appointment of retired judges to positions in the public and private sectors. The appointment of retired judges, especially of the Superior Courts, to po ...
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman scholar and statesman, said “A budget should be balance, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered ...
This dreaded collapse of class- a product of breed that teaches us etiquette, decorum and calmness of wisdom, and finesse and refined nuances of international diplomacy – might cause many more lives,, ...
There is an insightful saying with a touch of sarcasm and humour from ancient Tamil literature: “It is as though one listened to the entire Ramayana and then asked what the relationship between Rama ...
At this moment in our history, we are engaged once again in discussions and debates on the antiquity of the different communities in Sri Lanka and the languages that identify them, namely Sinhala and ...
The suicide bomber who killed Premadasa on 1st May 1993 was said to be Kulaveerasingam Veerakumar (23) alias Babu, from Jaffna. Nearly all the details given to the Press came from Amarasena Rajapakse, ...
“It is a fact. Gandhi had young women in his ashram, some of them still teenagers, one of them his own grand-niece [Manu Gandhi], sleep naked with him in his bed at night. This was an aspect of Gandhi ...
This article was written in 2018 and published in The Island. I am updating it with some additions and a few changes. The discussion on the Capital Punishment (CP) has come to the fore again. I do not ...
The Colombo Telegraph received two disturbing videos form one of our sources. First video shows surrendered LTTE female cadres. The second footage shows hundreds of dead bodies and some of them are ...
In recent years the History of Sri Lanka has become an important subject, not only because it is in school curriculum, but also because it has been used to shape politics and justify the ...
There are many reasons as to why people are drawn to a religious or spiritual way of life. Having faith in something bigger than us, can encourage strength in times of trial. Religion can provide us ...