How can a long-standing cough that does not produce phlegm, and stops as soon as you fall asleep, be cured by watching a ...
While dialectical behavioral therapy remains the most well-known psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder, ...
How might pareidolia — seeing faces in nature or hearing distinct sounds emerge from ambient noise — benefit our creativity, ...
Here's how you can defeat the overthinker's paradox: To avoid over-complicating projects, aim to create your first version, ...
Giving advice, guidance, or knowledge are forms of informational support that siblings can provide. Guidance from a sibling ...
Cults are a hot topic. But, perhaps not surprisingly given the methods of influence they use, they are opaque to the public.
Many couples struggle to reach agreements for cellphone and computer use after an affair. Setting shared expectations for ...
Dissociation in borderline personality disorder creates a fragmented sense of self. BPD often leaves individuals feeling ...
A recent study challenges traditional views on childhood trauma, suggesting that different types of trauma may have distinct ...
Appendectomies are not benign. They can compromise a healthy gut and raise the risk of psychiatric disorders. Fortunately, ...
The most successful careers typically involve people who change jobs several times, but always advancing to better positions.
Forcing forgiveness rarely works. Instead, embracing unforgiveness as a valuable experience can be the first step forward.