It’s “time to get rid of this age-old practice,” said Sripal Bangalore, who noted that patients are happier when not fasting.
Early invasive management does not reduce the risk of hard clinical outcomes, such as mortality or MI, in women with ...
The DCB looks good in select cases, but given its high price tag, exactly when to use it is still up for discussion, say ...
The data raise questions about valve hemodynamics and the role of early imaging to stay ahead of clinical and subclinical ...
Even with recommendations in place, hospitals were far from uniform in their anticoagulation approaches well into 2022.
A one-stop approach resulted in a new diagnosis of HF for 3% of the clinic’s visitors, who then were referred for timely ...
PRESTIGE-AF is the first of the larger trials in this scenario to report results. More data are needed to help guide ...
Seeing is believing. Patients shown proof of calcification adhered better to statins; those without CAC avoided overtreatment ...
Martha Gulati and Kathyn Berlacher talk about tangible ways to improve women's cardiovascular care, including nontraditional, patient-centered solutions.
Procedural planning and attention to detail can help, but heart teams should be realistic about what lies ahead, experts say.